Sunday, May 3, 2009

DayschY 4.....

Hello.......PEHCHAAN KAUN??? ya its me.Anurag,returning back from my hibernation period...a " BIT "of prolonged one...I must say.If u all have 4gotten me..I don't blame u all.Actually I was pretty engrossed in writing articles for THE TIMES OF INDIA,for these past months, see how much POLITICALLY inCORRECT I am . Actually after my 3rd Semester disaster,I was busy in "disaster management" in the 4th semester,which just means compensation.But now when the sems are over and the blissful summer vacation which extends till eternity,has started.These all factors concerted in what I am doing now...writing ma 3rd blog post.

Now, most of the times,when I get to start to write a blog,the most retracting factor is wat 2 write??means the topic.After that last blog post, our team had won yet another Super Six cricket tournament,but how can I write about our victories again and again.See how much HUMBLE I am. Actually, I didn't want ma blog to be transformed into a cricket web site. These were very eventful 3 to 4 months which included my exciting trip to IIT Kharagpur's tech fest,disastrous tech fest n a decent spring fest of our institute,NITRKL.I take no shame in mentioning the dismal festivals of our insti ,coz i know its responsibility was in the hands of utterly incompetent ppl.See how TRUTHFUL I am.So these events are not worth mentioning here in my happy blog.

Lets come to the point.Now I have decided 2 write abt sum ppl whose company I have enjoyed in the last 2 yrs at NITRKL institute.Dont b afraid of the topic mentioned above,its not about another Rakesh Roshan's KRAZZY n disastrous directorial venture,but just an excerpt of my life at NITRKL.In our Electrical branch, hostelites form the majority as all of other branches,but our day scholar group of electrical simply rocks... So lets get started!!!

Firstly its Abhijit Pradhan.The complete yaroon ka yaar n Pune is his pehla pyaar...(Why? Come onnnnn,it wud b an easy guess)An ultra-talkative chap,hyper active,conscious of wat he does.Imagination is his daily dose of oxygen..but we have to suffer the carbon dioxide of it.Its mighty comical how imaginative he gets n that's the source of constant entertainment to us.But he's a great person 2 hang out with.A person who strikes more than decent balance in studies n xtra curricular.He's practical n not at least CHEAP like some electrical fellows(who can go to any extent for getting good grades)(the relation to this fact is purely real,the grades may reflect this...this semester).Lastly, he is much of helping nature n I tell him if he remains like this 4ever...PUNE DOOR NAHI HAI!!!!!

Then comes our Snigdharup Banerjee a.k.a Dindo.The 1st word comes to my mind wen I start 2 talk about him is "funny".A bit of lazy...bit of moody ,opportunist i.e present at the right spots at the right times.Moreover he has got the best of one liners u will ever get 2 hear .These are so spontaneous n exaggerated, that u can't hold ur laugh back.A headstrong guy who sticks 2 his perceptions.We make a gud pair in quizzing which I really like coz he has got vast knowledge of current affairs(like me)hehehe!!!See how DOWN TO EARTH I am.Last of all, he's a nice person to share company.

Then comes Sanaul Hoda..referred to as " Hanaul Soda " by Dindo...I told u he's funny.He's the best person I have come across with.An avid reader,has great fascination for novels,reads them like an entomologist studying a wasp, really appreciate that quality of his.But,
koi bhi dudh ka dhula nahi hota na...Every one has got a flip side.God, this person is an epitome of laziness.......u may ask dindo , he will relate tales of sanaul's laziness during our trip to IIT KGP.Can u guess the most seductive thing in the eyes of Sanaul which makes his mouth water???THINK ..THINK ....NO..u dirty mind,its not that u think!! Its just a pillow n a bed.He simply can't resist them.Like in those old cartoons,in the character's eyes,dollar signs twinkles when they see money..sanaul's case is perfectly analogous.Otherwise a simple person, well spoken and a perfect foil for me n dindo to make fun of.

Ahemmm..Ahemmm....then comes Anurag Mishra.If u read the above portion of the blog carefully u will get to know him.He is POLITICALLY inCORRECT,HUMBLE,TRUTHFUL, DOWN TO EARTH .And another thing, I leave it on u to describe him in the comments section..NECESSARY for neutral readers..COMPULSORY for above persons.Sorry guys I may have written much more about you all..but 2 factors that played the role of inhibitors in this chemical reaction were:-

  • readers complained that the length of the scroll bar was tending to zero in my last blog post ,so I tuk that factor into consideration and had 2 cut short the length of this post(relatively I guess........).
  • above persons have still not returned my 108 rupees of Xerox which I had done for them in the last sem, and this fact is highly unappreciated.
In this case,the latter cause is dominating... byebye..cheers!!