Tuesday, June 9, 2009

can u TAKE the FAKE??????????

The above line is not a humorous parody or an understatement,this is the world's greatest truth prevailing 2day...yeah u read it right.."truth".Right 4m the pounds of make up of 2day's actresses(ofcourse ther r xceptions in the form of Kristen Stewart..lets not get into that issue coz then my scrollbar will complain of height retardation) to my exam papers..(have a luk at my Renewable Systems paper..which is fakeness personified)..all has  substantial fakeness embedded onto it.If u group all the fake people in this world ,this will conjure up an never ending playlist of an iPOD shuffle..huh!!.                            
                                   This disease is so much prevalent n contagious that evry class of people r faking themselves out of their skins.B it a student of std X, who fakes his parents that he is goin 2 Tuitions,but he ends up somewhere else which has a definite G-connection(am sure u all will b smart enou to guess its Girly rather than nething related to Broadband).Its  kinda funny that he uses the same weapon n fakes hell of a things in the xam answer papers..which everyone says as "luck"(luck...wat the f....let it be)...n its not a big deal in 2day's curriculum that he  even gets gud grades....(ask any CS student in NIT RKL).Or b it the politicians..leave it..leave it(same scrollbar issue),u kno how these guys r.."idols"..........(of fakeness)!!!   
                                    Relations are not are not alien 2 this phenomenon..2day evryone thrives only on  personal benefits n relationships have bcum mere obligation 2 the society... a big thanx 2 Ekta kapoor 4 promoting these thoughts among the viewers thru her so called soaps ...but in true sense..which are equivalent 2 "toilet soaps" full of make up n bullshit!! Every pristine relation 2day has bcome so complicated n turbid that one fears 2  even get into a relation ..thinkin of its consequences,which is so pitiful.Doubt, uncertainty n mistrust has eclipsed all the relations just like clouds do to the sun mercilessly in England.2day the word "Relationship" can better b termed as  "Convenience"!!!                               
                                       But the million dollar question is that "Does it really matter???" Every person is making vague attempts to outsmart others..saying that his/her motto is "Live n let Live" where as every one is tryin their level best 2 disallow other person's existence.By the word "Everyone" I mean everyone...seriously!!The situation 2day goes like this :One individual plays dirty game on other..the other person retaliates with even more dirtier one...like wise the hypocrisy level increases...finally the one who wins.. gets the cherry ..while the loser lands in catch 22 situation!!The reason why I raised the above question is coz...no one has any complaints against this issue of fakeness coz everyone is overdosed wid it!!! Backbiting is served as breakfast..oiling as lunch..n hypocrisy in dinner..mouth watering isn't it?...damn it!! I have wasted my last 40 min to just convey that we shud b alert of our surroundings.. as we r going 2 thrive  in a harsh world.. a world full of cut-throat competition ..so accept fakeness as "PART" of life ,not as "HEART" of life!! Then life just may bcum more flexible(no more winners n no losers!!).Wat a piece of Advise!!!!!!!! Don't worry this is not fake..or  is it ????????                                    


simran said...

well put, but not very true, i think.

accept_obsequiousness_b4me said...

this is MY blog i think.i hav just writtn wat i think....neways respect ur opinions!!

simran said...

didnt mean to offend..

Anubhav Rath said...

hey..cheer up buddy...

not every1 is like dat...
good people aren't impossible...however rare they maybe...dey do exist...
many such people u meet every other day...all u need is to identify them and embrace your relationship...

thats all, i will add...

post is great...but kinda drips with ur frustration...

accept_obsequiousness_b4me said...

Frustation!!!...4giv me...dont accept the -ve aspect of the post..this post only means b careful!!!thats it.Nyways i hav got nothin 2 b frustated of...u kno that.

Unknown said...

wow!! i bet u were in a real bad mood when u wrote this....god!!! bt still i abide by u in this!!